Come and Try It

Marlee Morris extend an invitation to you to come and try Morris dancing, that whacky traditional English dancing with sticks, bells and handkerchiefs (wavers) . We are welcoming new members after a Covid break and can’t wait to start dancing out again.

We’ll all be there at The Seaward Guide Hall, Monash Ave, Nedlands on August 16, 9am – 12pm ready to teach you what we know – and we’ll provide morning tea so you can have a chat and get to know us. While some previous dancing experience might be helpful, the only way to find out if you can do it is to give it a go! It’s free for the first lesson and we all contribute a token amount after that to go towards hall hire. We are a very social group and often gather at a café or pub after a gig.

Let Steve know if you wish to join us on 0400 731 049 and he can answer your questions about Morris dancing in general and why we love it so much. Wear comfortable clothing with flat shoes.

For a downloadable and/or printable flyer see – CATI_2020 and for more details (maps & calendar stuff) see – Come and Try It Event

Core Cider performance 1st of August

We have been invited again to be part of the entertainment at Core Cider’s Winter Festival.  Time to be confirmed but event starts at 5:30.  For a little promo video see – Winter Festival 

For some photos from last year – see Winter Festival 2019

From Core Cider see the following links relating to this years Festival;
Core Cider Facebook Event
Core Cider Web Page
Winter Festival Tickets
Core Cider Instagram
Winter Festival Trailer Video

Happy New Year (2020)

It has been a good start to the year for Marlee Morris.  Four intrepid Marlee travelers went to Napier in New Zealand to attend and dance at the “Morris on Tour NZ” which is an annual event.  This year it was hosted by Heart of the Sun, a mixed Cotswold side.  Good fun was had by all as they say.  For a video of us dancing with numbers helped by the Adelaide Morris Men see Broad Cupid.  And for some photos see Photos.

After returning home, we danced at the Wanneroo Festival.  It was a good little stand.

In the future we have bookings at the National Folk Festival and Fairbridge Festival to look forward to.

Down South Tour 2019

Marlee Morris have been invited by the Perth Morris Men to join them and others in the annual Down South Tour. There will be various opportunities to see u dancing.  The itinerary is as per link – DS Tour Foot Ups 2019

We will be dancing at the following locations:

National Folk Festival 2019

Eight dancers and six musicians headed East to Canberra to join the Morris contingent at the National Folk Festival. We joined five other sides including Black Joak, Belswagger, Britannia and Surly Griffins and had great fun over the four days of the festival.  Good feedback was received from our peers about Marlee’s first appearance at the National Folk Festival.  For some videos – see Videos and for some photos – see NFF 2019 Photo

National Folk Festival 2019

An exciting start to 2019

The big news for Marlee Morris is that we are going to be a “Display Side” at the 2019 National Folk Festival which is held in Canberra at Easter.  The Australian Morris Ring organises the Morris Dancing part of the Folk Festival.  Six sides are normally chosen with three sides being display sides and three being busking sides.  The display sides have to provide a half hour display and a one hour workshop as well as doing other “busking” spots around the festival.  Joining us in Canberra are Belswagger Morris Dancers, Britannia Morris, Black Joak Morris, Fair Maids of Perth (& Sons), and Surly Griffin Morris For more see National Folk Festival Performance

We have also been invited to dance at a Wedding.  Naturally I cannot disclose too many details but it is still exciting to be able to be part of such a joyous occasion.