Merry Christmas from Marlee Morris

Merry Christmas to all.

It has been a good start to our time as a new side in Perth. Since announcing the new side we have done the following:

Looking forward to a great 2019


Maids Ale and Marlee Launch

October has been a busy month. On the 13th and 14th we helped the Fair Maids of Perth celebrate their 40th Anniversary at their Ale. For some photos see – Fair Maids of Perth Ale

A while back we became aware that there is a Marlee Pavilion in Kings Park and thought we should have a photo opportunity there and combine it with some drinks and nibbles.  We also decided to have a little foot up at the near by Matilda Bay.  It could be considered as our official launch.  For some photos see – Matilda Bay and Marlee Pavilion

Down South Tour 2018 was a lot of fun

(Almost) annually the Perth Morris Men hold a Down South Tour based at Yallingup.  During the weekend we visited and danced at Dunsborough Shopping Centre, Bush Shack Brewery, Caves House Hotel, Cowaramup Brewery and Bootleg Brewery.  The Breweries generously provided liquid refreshment to thirsty Morris persons.   For some photos – see DS2018

2018 National Ale – Good fun

Four Marlee Morris persons made the trip to Sydney to attend the National Ale.  It was a thoroughly well organised Morris event starting off in the Rocks area of Sydney featuring some “foot ups” at various iconic Sydney locations.  For an idea of the fun – see which was a workshop on a dance called “Hadrian’s Wall”.  For some photos see – Photos

For our videos see National Ale 2018