National Folk Festival Performance

Marlee Morris are fortunate to have the opportunity of performing as a display side at the 2019 National Folk Festival

As a display side we will do a half hour display, a one hour workshop as well as other “busking” spots.

The one hour workshop has been scheduled for 9:30 on Friday 19th of April at the Piazza.

The half hour display has been scheduled for 11:10 AM on Monday 22nd at the Piazza.

For the full Program see – Program

For the Morris bit only – see Morris at the National Folk Festival 2019

An exciting start to 2019

The big news for Marlee Morris is that we are going to be a “Display Side” at the 2019 National Folk Festival which is held in Canberra at Easter.  The Australian Morris Ring organises the Morris Dancing part of the Folk Festival.  Six sides are normally chosen with three sides being display sides and three being busking sides.  The display sides have to provide a half hour display and a one hour workshop as well as doing other “busking” spots around the festival.  Joining us in Canberra are Belswagger Morris Dancers, Britannia Morris, Black Joak Morris, Fair Maids of Perth (& Sons), and Surly Griffin Morris For more see National Folk Festival Performance

We have also been invited to dance at a Wedding.  Naturally I cannot disclose too many details but it is still exciting to be able to be part of such a joyous occasion.

Merry Christmas from Marlee Morris

Merry Christmas to all.

It has been a good start to our time as a new side in Perth. Since announcing the new side we have done the following:

Looking forward to a great 2019