Come and Try It Event

Marlee Morris are holding a “Come and Try It” event to give anyone interested a chance to come and experience some Morris Dancing.  

So if you fancy a few hours of fun with a friendly group of people please make contact using the details below.  While some dancing experience may be an advantage the only sure way to determine if you could do it and if you would like to do it more regularly is to come and try it.

The event is free.  Morning Tea will be provided.

For a downloadable pdf about the event see – Come and Try It

Contact Details

Squire on 0400 731 049 or via email

Happy New Year (2020)

It has been a good start to the year for Marlee Morris.  Four intrepid Marlee travelers went to Napier in New Zealand to attend and dance at the “Morris on Tour NZ” which is an annual event.  This year it was hosted by Heart of the Sun, a mixed Cotswold side.  Good fun was had by all as they say.  For a video of us dancing with numbers helped by the Adelaide Morris Men see Broad Cupid.  And for some photos see Photos.

After returning home, we danced at the Wanneroo Festival.  It was a good little stand.

In the future we have bookings at the National Folk Festival and Fairbridge Festival to look forward to.